Hello/good evening everyone... I wanted to talk here about a problem between my future drawing and you.
After a few months of absence from drawing, I decided to partially resume drawing in the best of the world. I discussed between an artist and to explain for problem currently and her solution is... to do more quantity in do less in quality.
It annoys me but I'm afraid I have no other choice.
Personally, I have always built my drawings on simple and effective quality and this dilemma has always been difficult for me to accept as an artist who has imposed himself to make quality & quantity of drawings at the same time.
But, even if my brain will continue to have this perfectionism for the next drawings, I will put it aside for the next time and, even if the difference between the old new drawings will be obvious, it will improve over the months and drawings to come.
"Frently, if I only drew for that, I would have stopped a long time ago" she says.
That's what I can tell you right now at 2 a.m. in my local time...
I don't know if you would like my (ultra) fast style of new drawings but, as always, I have several projects of ideas in mind, some are already penciled, others are waiting for me to start the sketches but, promised, I come back active like last time, just a matter of time!
So, thank you for your understanding, sorry if the drawings are not up to the other drawings I have done for years and see you next time for future drawings!
F. Blooky 😛